Drop (remove) the last character from a string: $ComputerName = ‘DCCOMP01$’ $ComputerName = $ComputerName.Substring(0,$ComputerName.Length-1) $ComputerName Result is “DCCOMP01″. This works especially well when the last character is a special PowerShell reserved one like “$”.
August 2014 archive
Aug 27 2014
Installing Kali Linux on Windows 8 Hyper-V
Installing Kali Linux on Windows 8 Hyper-V (Windows 8.1 includes improvements to the Hyper-V platform) Installing Hyper-V: Requirement: Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Enterprise which include Client Hyper-V. Requirement: Your computer processor must support virtualization technology (VT), though most processors in the past 5 years support VT (pretty much all Intel i-series processors, i3, …
Aug 26 2014
Black Hat 2014 Talk on TSA System Insecurity: Pulling the Curtain on Airport Security
Billy Rios explains how security-focused agencies keep making the same mistakes – this time it’s the TSA. Some of the issues identified in the talk: Network cable connections easily accessible by the public Hardcoded passwords in body scanner systems (which run Windows 98/WinXP) Accounts are stored in a config file. Network services enabled.(with hardcoded passwords) …
Aug 25 2014
Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) 5 Protection Methods
Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) v5 security technology which I outlined in a previous post has several protection methods which will be detailed here. According to my sources at Microsoft 😉, EMET can be installed on workstations and servers (testing is always highly recommended before placing in production). Given the tremendous security improvements when …
Aug 20 2014
Microsoft EMET 5 Released
Microsoft’s EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) is a free download from Microsoft that enhances Windows security by preventing common malware and exploitation software methods. It does need to be well-tested before deployment, but there are several legacy Windows methods leveraged by malware to get into a system and take control. Installing EMET provides very strong protection …
Aug 15 2014
Removing an Orphan (inactive) Active Directory Domain
Removing an Orphan (inactive) Active Directory Domain One of my customers has a forest with several domains, one of which hasn’t been used in a while (call it domain “RedShirt”). The 2 Domain Controllers in the domain, “RedShirt” both tombstoned. Yes, I know, how does that happen? ALWAYS monitor your environment. Since the domain hasn’t …
Aug 13 2014
Apple iOS Security Whitepaper
In February of this year, 2014, Apple released an updated whitepaper describing Apple iOS Security. Overall, the operating system and its components are very securely designed. The Table of Contents: Introduction System Security Secure Boot Chain System Software Authorization Secure Enclave Touch ID Encryption and Data Protection Hardware Security Features File Data Protection Passcodes Data …
Aug 06 2014
PowerShell: One-liners to Get You Started
Some of the scenarios covered in the blog post: The server rebooted recently – who did it and when exactly? Is there an easy way to see if KB2862152 is installed? I need to backup all of the GPOs in the domain every day What are the IP settings on my system(s)? What are the …
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