
Interested in securing your enterprise and Active Directory environment?
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Sean Metcalf (@PyroTek3) is a Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) / Microsoft Certified Solutions Master (MCSM) in Directory Services (Active Directory Windows Server 2008 R2) which is an elite group of Active Directory experts (only about 100 worldwide).

Sean performs security research focused on the Microsoft platform and has identified interesting Kerberos behavior as well as other unique research. He has spoken on Active Directory attack & defense at BSides Charm (Baltimore), Shakacon, Black Hat USA 2015, Black Hat USA 2016, DEF CON 23 (2015), DEF CON 24 (2016), and DerbyCon security conferences. Slides & videos (if available) from these presentations can be found on the Presentations page.

Sean Metcalf is Founder of & Principal Consultant for Trimarc Security, LLC, a security company with focus on improving enterprise security. Sean performs Windows and Active Directory security research, the results of which he shares at conferences and on ADSecurity.org.

Sean Metcalf developed Trimarc’s  Active Directory security assessment engagement offering based on his research and industry best practices which identifies security configuration issues typically leveraged by attackers to compromise the enterprise. The Active Directory security assessment final report provides AD hardening and security recommendations.
If you are interested in a review of your Active Directory’s security posture, contact Trimarc.

ADSecurity.org (Active Directory Security) is a place where he shares Microsoft enterprise security guidance and information about current threats to enterprise networks & mitigation for these threats, Active Directory design and configuration tips, as well as leveraging PowerShell in an Active Directory environment.

In the Press:

To contact Sean, please use the contact page or email  s e a n /@\ ADSecurity.org

ADSecurity.org is Sean’s personal website and reflects his own views.
All trademarks and copyrights belong to their owners.


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