Owning Networks and Evading Incident Response with PowerShell


PowerShell provides an easy method to bypass antivirus and other protection methods:

Up until several months ago, I was a member of a penetration test team tasked with compromising data centers and evading detection. Industry standard tools such as Metasploit (an attack toolkit that includes a backdoor named Meterpreter) and Mimikatz (a password dumper) worked well, but I was a paranoid attacker and was worried that running these tools (compiled as unsigned EXE files) would get me detected.

I started to take a look at PowerShell after reading a blog post by Matt Graeber on launching Meterpreter using PowerShell. Since antivirus pays no attention to PowerShell scripts, I was able to use Meterpreter without launching a suspicious EXE and without having to worry about disabling antivirus.

I wanted to go a little further though. Instead of just loading Meterpreter, I wanted to be able to load unmanaged DLLs and EXEs (both are actually Windows PE files) without calling LoadLibrary or CreateProcess (because these APIs can be monitored by AppLocker and other similar tools).

The solution to this problem was to write my own PE loader. Instead of relying on Windows APIs (LoadLibrary, CreateProcess) to load PE files in memory, I wrote a PowerShell script Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection that roughly recreates the functionality provided by the Windows API. The benefits of Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection are over the Windows APIs are:


Read the rest at PowerShell Magazine

Read more about Mimikatz and Active Directory Kerberos hacking here.


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