PowerShell: Identifying Cloned Computers by CMID or SID

Here’s the PowerShell command for identifying the computer SID by finding local accounts:
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_UserAccount

This command shows the Information for the first account in the list which should be local:
(Get-WmiObject -class Win32_UserAccount)[0]

Here’s a PowerShell command to run on each of the servers. If the result is the same, they have the same Client Machine ID (CMID):
Get-WmiObject -class SoftwareLicensingService | Select-object ClientMachineID

Here’s a PowerShell command to run on each of the servers. If the result is the same, they have the same Client Machine ID (CMID):
Import-module activedirectory
$AllServers = Get-ADComputer –filter {OperatingSystem –like “*Server*”} –property *
ForEach ($AllServersItem in $AllServers )
$ServerName = $AllServersItem.Hostname
$ServerCMID = Get-WmiObject –computer $ServerName  -class SoftwareLicensingService | Select-object ClientMachineID
Write-Output “$ServerName has the CMID: $ServerCMID “

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