PowerShell: Using a HashTable to Identify Active Directory Schema & Exchange Version

It’s easy to get the Active Directory schema version as well as the installed Exchange (schema) version by using the Active Directory PowerShell cmdlet, Get-ADObject. This script leverages a built-out HashTable to perform a lookup against the version numbers.

# Create Schema Version Hashtable # 20140606-14
Write-Verbose "Create Schema Version HashTable `r "
$SchemaVersionTable =
"13" = "Windows 2000 Active Directory Schema" ;
"30" = "Windows 2003 Active Directory Schema";
"31" = "Windows 2003 R2 Active Directory Schema" ;
"44" = "Windows 2008 Active Directory Schema" ;
"47" = "Windows 2008 R2 Active Directory Schema" ;
"51" = "Windows Server 8 BETA Active Directory Schema" ;
"56" = "Windows 2012 Active Directory Schema" ;
"69" = "Windows 2012 R2 Active Directory Schema " ;
"4397" = "Exchange 2000 RTM Schema" ;
"4406" = "Exchange 2000 SP3 Schema" ;
"6870" = "Exchange 2003 RTM Schema" ;
"6936" = "Exchange 2003 SP3 Schema" ;
"10637" = "Exchange 2007 RTM Schema" ;
"11116" = "Exchange 2007 RTM Schema" ;
"14622" = "Exchange 2007 SP2 & Exchange 2010 RTM Schema" ;
"14625" = "Exchange 2007 SP3" ;
"14726" = "Exchange 2010 SP1 Schema" ;
"14732" = "Exchange 2010 SP2 Schema" ;
"14734" = "Exchange 2010 SP3 Schema" ;
"15137" = "Exchange 2013 RTM Schema" ;
"15254" = "Exchange 2013 CU1 Schema" ;
"15281" = "Exchange 2013 CU2 Schema" ;
"15283" = "Exchange 2013 CU3 Schema" ;
"15292" = "Exchange 2013 SP1 Schema" ;
"15300" = "Exchange 2013 CU5 Schema"

# Get AD Schema Version Number # 20111029-14
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Write-Output “Checking Schema version on the PDC Emulator ($ADDomainPDCEmulator) `r ”
$ADSchemaConfigurationDistinguishedName = (Get-ADRootDSE).schemaNamingContext
$ADSchemaVersion = (Get-ADObject $ADSchemaConfigurationDistinguishedName -Property objectVersion).objectVersion
$ADSchemaVersionName = $SchemaVersionTable.Get_Item(“$ADSchemaVersion”)
Write-Output “The current AD Schema Version is $ADSchemaVersion which is $ADSchemaVersionName `r ”
# Get Exchange Schema Version Number #
Write-Output “Checking Exchange Schema version `r ”
$ExchangeSchemaConfigurationDistinguishedName = ‘cn=ms-exch-schema-version-pt,’ + $ADSchemaConfigurationDistinguishedName
$ExchangeSchemaVersion = (Get-ADObject $ExchangeSchemaConfigurationDistinguishedName -Property rangeUpper).rangeUpper
$ExchangeSchemaVersionName = $SchemaVersionTable.Get_Item(“$ExchangeSchemaVersion”)
Write-Output “The current Exchange Schema Version is $ExchangeSchemaVersion which is $ExchangeSchemaVersionName `r “

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