Windows Server 2012 R2 Features

Single post coverage of all of the major new and updated features in Windows Server 2012 R2

This covers the following technology areas:

The Microsoft PFE Platforms blog has a multi-part series on preparing AD for Windows Server 2012 which contains some great advice regarding AD environment best practices. This post includes the extremely helpful following chart:

Much of the information we’ve asked you to collect, above, provides hints to some of the changes in the default behavior of newer Windows OS versions. Immediately following is a table/cheat sheet summarizing these changes. Thereafter is a more detailed description for these items, how they might impact you, our recommendation and potential workarounds. Note: We didn’t include unexpected behaviors/errors that may come when upgrading. You can find those here. They should be researched during your planning/testing phases.

Item/Default Behavior Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012
Store LMHash X
NT 4.0 Cryptography X
DES Encryption for Kerberos X X
AES 128 bit and 256 bit encryption for Kerberos X X X
Hardcoded LDAP Query limits X X X
NSPI connections limited to 50 X X X
SMB Signing X X X X
Computer Browser Service enabled X
LMCompatibilityLevel 2 3 3 3
DFS Site-Costed Referrals X X X
NullSessionPipeslist is shorter and NullSessionShares is removed X X X
EDNS0 enabled X X X
Strict enforcement of RFC 2692 Section 3 (LDAP) X X
sID/PAC Compression X
Dynamic RPC Ports 1025-5000 49152-65535 49152-65535 49152-65535

We’ve included this table, and an abbreviated description for all these issues in an Excel spreadsheet. We’re hoping it may prove as a nice tactical tool for you. You can find the spreadsheet here.

Additionally, you can find more information in the Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 Technical Library:

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