Hyper-V How to install integration services when the virtual machine is not running

From Microsoft’s Virtualization Blog, How to install integration services when the virtual machine is not running:

We’ve been talking to a lot of people about deploying integration services (integration components) lately.  As it turns out, they’re pretty easy to patch offline with existing Hyper-V tools.

First, why would you update integration services on a not-running (offline) VM?

Offline VM servicing is valuable for VM templates places that create new VMs frequently since it allows you to keep VM templates up-to-date.  While this post targets exclusively integration service updates, the same update approach applies to many updates as well as any configurations specific to the environment.  Keeping the VM images fully up to date and configured before they are deployed saves significant setup time and support every time a new VM is created.

Here is a detailed write-up about deploying and updating integration services on an offline VM – both VHD/VHDX – using out of box PowerShell tools and a cab (cabinet) file that comes bundled with Server 2008 or later Hyper-V hosts.

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