PowerShell 101: PowerShell Guide/CheatSheet

Michael Sorens has put together a comprehensive guide to using PowerShell:

This series of articles evolved out of my own notes on PowerShell as I poked and prodded it to show me more. As my collection  burgeoned, I began to organize them until I had one-line recipes for most any simple PowerShell task. Simple, though, does not mean trivial. You can do quite a lot in one line of PowerShell, such as grabbing the contents of specific elements of a web page or converting a CSV file into a collection of PowerShell objects.

  • PowerShell One-Liners: Help, Syntax, Display and Files
    begins by showing you how to have PowerShell itself help you figure out what you need to do to accomplish a task, covering the help system as well as its handy command-line intellisense. The next sections deal with locations, files, and paths: the basic currency of any shell. You are introduced to some basic but key syntactic constructs and then ways to cast your output in list, table, grid, or chart form.
  • PowerShell One-Liners: Variables, Parameters, Properties, and Objects
    rounded out with a few other vital bits on leveraging the PowerShell environment.
  • PowerShell One-Liners: Collections, Hashtables, Arrays and Strings
    covers the two fundamental data structures of PowerShell: the collection (array) and the hash table (dictionary), examining everything from creating, accessing, iterating, ordering, and selecting. Part 3 also covers converting between strings and arrays, and rounds out with techniques for searching, most commonly applicable to files (searching both directory structures as well as file contents).
  • Part 4 – pending.
    is your information source for a variety of input and output techniques: reading and writing files; writing the various output streams; file housekeeping operations; and various techniques related to CSV, JSON, database, network, and XML.

Each part of this series is available as both an online reference here at Simple-Talk.com, in a wide-form as well, and as a downloadable wallchart (from the link at the head of the article) in PDF format for those who prefer a printed copy near at hand. Please keep in mind though that this is a quick reference, not a tutorial. So while there are a few brief introductory remarks for each section, there is very little explanation for any given incantation. But do not let that scare you off—jump in and try things! You should find more than a few “aha!” moments ahead of you!

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