AD Reading: Active Directory DFS & FRS

The following are extremely useful resources for understanding the AActive Directory DFS & FRS.

DFS Namespaces (DFSN) & DFS Replication (DFSR)

o   What Is DFS?

o   How DFS Works

o   DFS Tools and Settings

o   DFS Terminology

o   DFS Client and Server Compatibility

o   Characteristics of Namespace Types

o   DFS Architecture

o   DFS Physical Structures and Caches

o   DFS Processes and Interactions

o   DFS Protocols

o   DFS Interfaces

o   Network Ports Used by DFS

o   Related Information

o   Enable Access-Based Enumeration on a Namespace

o   Enable or Disable Referrals and Client Failback

o   Change the Amount of Time That Clients Cache Referrals

o   Set the Ordering Method for Targets in Referrals

o   Set Target Priority to Override Referral Ordering

o   Optimize Namespace Polling

o   Using Inherited Permissions with Access-Based Enumeration

o   SYSVOL Migration Conceptual Information

o   SYSVOL Migration Procedure

o   Troubleshooting SYSVOL Migration

o   SYSVOL Migration Reference Information

o   1: SYSVOL Migration Series: Part 1 – Introduction to the SYSVOL migration process

o   2: SYSVOL Migration Series: Part 2 – Dfsrmig.exe: The SYSVOL migration tool

o   3: SYSVOL Migration Series: Part 3 – Migrating to the Prepared State

o   4: SYSVOL Migration Series: Part 4 – Migrating to the ‘REDIRECTED’ state

o   5: SYSVOL Migration Series: Part 5 – Migrating to the ‘ELIMINATED’ state

File Replication Service (FRS)

o   FRS Terminology

o   FRS Architecture

o   FRS Protocols

o   FRS Interfaces

o   FRS Physical Structures

o   FRS Processes and Interactions

o   Network Ports Used by FRS

o   Related Information

o   FRS Tools

o   FRS Registry Entries

o   Network Ports Used by FRS

o   What Is FRS?

o   How FRS Works

o   FRS Tools and Settings

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