Category: Technical Reference

Machine Account (AD Computer Object) Password Updates

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion when it comes to domain-joined computers and how/when they update their AD computer object (machine account) passwords. Here are a few key points on this process: The default domain policy setting configures domain-joined Windows 2000 (& up) computers to update their passwords every 30 days (default). …

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PowerShell Parameters

One of the most useful features in Powershell is Parameters. Microsoft has some excellent documentation on Powershell Parameters Some of my favorites: Default Parameter [Switch]$Enabled = $True Mandatory Parameter [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name Validate Parameter Options in  a set [ValidateSet(“TCP”, “UDP”)] [string]$NewPortType Validate Parameter Options in a range (case INsensitive) [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [string]$NewPortNumber Add Parameter Aliases [alias(“PortScope”,”Scope”)] [string] …

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PowerShell: Drop (remove) the last character from a string

Drop (remove) the last character from a string: $ComputerName = ‘DCCOMP01$’ $ComputerName = $ComputerName.Substring(0,$ComputerName.Length-1) $ComputerName Result is “DCCOMP01″. This works especially well when the last character is a special PowerShell reserved one like “$”.

Installing Kali Linux on Windows 8 Hyper-V

Installing Kali Linux on Windows 8 Hyper-V (Windows 8.1 includes improvements to the Hyper-V platform) Installing Hyper-V: Requirement: Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Enterprise which include Client Hyper-V. Requirement: Your computer processor must support virtualization technology (VT), though most processors in the past 5 years support VT (pretty much all Intel i-series processors, i3, …

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Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) 5 Protection Methods

Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) v5 security technology which I outlined in a previous post has several protection methods which will be detailed here. According to my sources at Microsoft 😉, EMET can be installed on workstations and servers (testing is always highly recommended before placing in production). Given the tremendous security improvements when …

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Microsoft EMET 5 Released

Microsoft’s EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) is a free download from Microsoft that enhances Windows security by preventing common malware and exploitation software methods. It does need to be well-tested before deployment, but there are several legacy Windows methods leveraged by malware to get into a system and take control. Installing EMET provides very strong protection …

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Removing an Orphan (inactive) Active Directory Domain

Removing an Orphan (inactive) Active Directory Domain One of my customers has a forest with several domains, one of which hasn’t been used in a while (call it domain “RedShirt”). The 2 Domain Controllers in the domain, “RedShirt” both tombstoned. Yes, I know, how does that happen? ALWAYS monitor your environment. Since the domain hasn’t …

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PowerShell: One-liners to Get You Started

Some of the scenarios covered in the blog post: The server rebooted recently – who did it and when exactly? Is there an easy way to see if KB2862152 is installed? I need to backup all of the GPOs in the domain every day What are the IP settings on my system(s)? What are the …

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New 2012 SIDs cause lookup issues for older clients

The crux of the issue is that Windows Server 2012 (and above) introduce two new SIDs. The problem is that Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 clients do not know about these SIDs because when they (Windows 7 and 2008 R2) were written these particular SIDs didn’t exist. References:

RODC Trick: Remove a User’s Password from a RODC without forcing the user to change her password

TechNet (RODC FAQ) states: How can you clear a password that is cached on an RODC? There is no mechanism to erase passwords after they are cached on an RODC. If you want to clear a password that is stored on an RODC, an administrator should reset the password in the hub site. This way, …

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